Breathwork Journey

Friday May 10th

6:00 - 7:30 pm

Jenn Tucker, a Certified Breathwork Practitioner, will guide you on a New Moon Breathwork Journey to help you connect with yourself, your breath, and your intentions. 

What is Breathwork?:

It is one of the kindest sweetest ways to step into yourself and experience the magic of your own breath. Breathwork is an active meditation that deepens the connection of your mind, body, and spirit. Using conscious breathing patterns, we meld the left and right side of the brain and access the subconscious. Breathing is responsible for 70% of cleansing the body of toxins— Breathwork simulates the lymphatic system and helps detoxify the body by releasing carbon dioxide. This process helps uncover old thought patterns and beliefs, releases heavy emotions that are difficult to access in other ways, and rewires our nervous systems. 


Full Moon Crystal Meditation and Sound Bath

Thursday May 23rd

6:00 - 7:15 pm 

This is a month all about GROWTH. We have planted the seeds, watered the earth and now we are waiting for things to bloom, but what happens when the mind loses hope? Sometimes our thoughts let us spiral down a negative thought loop into doom and gloom, and you know that old saying, “your thoughts create your reality”. In this session we will focus on clearing the mental chatter that is the natural flow of the mind, reconnection with our bigger intentions and growing our optimistic outlook.

We will be working with a crystal healing, pranayama and a 1 hour sound bath. 

By Josie


Afterglow Women’s Circle

Tuesday May 21st

6:00 - 7:30 pm 

Why we gather:
We as women have many roles in this life and in the day-to-day, for many of us it is hard to give ourselves the time to reflect on our own needs, desires, and authenticity. It is fundamental for us to feel seen, heard and accepted in a community of women. What this circle offers is a time to set aside a moment in life to step into community and feel held while also holding for others.

The circle is where you are able to let go, speak your heart, and find sisterhood. The only expectation is that there is no judgment and feedback within this space. You may choose to share or just simply be present for your sisters.

Emotions are welcome and will be honored and held within the circle. And through all of this may we find some joy in where we have been and what we are becoming.

Historically, women would gather to honor the sacred and each other, tell stories, and share traditions. They also found this time to grow community and resonate with other women in life. If you feel called to join us or are simply just curious we encourage you to join us and learn what this can be for you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send them our way.

Brought to you by Jenn Tucker + Afterglow Living


Reiki Level I & II Training

Sunday June 2nd

10:30 am - 4:30 pm

Reiki is an ancient healing modality that channels chi or life-force energy for the healing of the self or others. 

Reiki helps to reduce stress & anxiety, activates the bodies ability to self-heal, aids in pain management and recovery from injury or illness, brings clarity and understanding to life, moves stuck energy, rebalances the chakras, awakens your intuition, helps sleep and depression and balances the whole system; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. 

Reiki I is focused on self-healing as well as offering healing for others. With a Reiki I certification you will be able to do both healing for yourself and others in-person. 

Reiki II is learning three of the reiki symbols and the ability to send distance healing. Distance healing can be done on anyone or anything anywhere. 

After completion of both days and 2 attunements you will be given a certification for Reiki I and II and can practice Reiki.

Taught by Reiki Master Josie

More about Josie